Ana Sisnett

I met Ana Sisnett just after she arrived in Austin in 1983. She was very smart and very kind, and we immediately became friends. We crossed paths over the years, and in the 2000s when she became executive director of Austin Free-net, I joined the Board of Directors and, for a time, I was President of the Board. It was wonderful to work with Ana – we talk about building the digital divide; she wanted to blast it out of existence. She understood that digital access would have growing relevance to social and economic justice, and no one was more passionate about justice.

Here’s what I told the Statesman: “She was passionate and powerful in her support of people who are traditionally underserved online. Some people just want to make the system work the way that it should. She was one of those people.” Her daughter Meredith said “She was always willing to teach anyone all that she knows. She was an international teacher of love.”

2 thoughts on “Ana Sisnett”

  1. Meredith Sisnett

    Good Afternoon Mr. Lebkowsky,

    I am Ana’s daughter, Meredith and I would like to thank you for your kind words. I was doing a Google search under my Mom’s name and this wonderful insert appreared. My hat goes off to people, such as your self who bring the world closer thru the Internet. I wish you continued success and look forward to reading more about your progress.

    Best Wishes!


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