
Data-driven journalism: approaches to interactive storytelling (at #ISOJ)

The session that impressed me most at last week’s International Symposium on Online Journalism was this one, led by Aron Pilhofer of the New York Times. Major innovations are possible in data journalism;the key is getting or creating the requisite databases. The journalism is in extracting meaning.


Live blogging #ISOJ

I was actively live tweeting the International Sympsium on Online Journalism when I hit Twitter’s limit of 1000 posts within


TechSoup’s Live Greentech Discussion

Yesterday (4/17/2012) I was part of a nonprofit Green Tech seminar hosted by TechSoup, with Evonne Heyning moderating. Also presenting: Jamie Henn from 350.org, Kevin Danaher and Zoey Krol from the San Francisco Department of Environment. See http://forums.techsoup.org/cs/community/b/tsblog/archive

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