Sunset Sedona


This is my /now page, a description of what I’m currently doing with myself. I’m in transition (which I’ll explain below), and I expect additions and changes as my interests evolve.

  • Transition: I’m in the process of retiring from my day job of the last 25 years or so, managing web development projects, most recently as part of the Polycot Associates web development co-operative.
    • At Polycot, I was deeply involved in managing the business as well as running projects.
    • I’m retiring from full membership, from the CEO or executive director position, and from project management.
    • I’ll still be consulting on projects and doing business development.
    • Polycot is evolving from web development to become a full service marketing and design co-operative, and I’m also advising on its evolution.
  • Plutopia News Network is a podcast I co-founded with my pal Scoop Sweeney.
    • We’ve leveraged Scoop’s experience in radio journalism and production, and my ongoing involvement in digital culture and future-focused exploration, in a podcast featuring interviews with interesting people.
    • My involvement with Plutopia will increase to include blog posts and creation of a newsletter for Patreon subscribers.
  • Travel: Marsha and I expect to take several trips a year, feeding her desire to travel and my insatiable curiosity.
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