Science, Space

Mars is boring

Don’t get me wrong, I’m totally jazzed about interplanetary exploration, have been for decades. But could we have picked a

Ad Culture


Theodore Seuss Geisel, aka Dr. Seuss, created illustrations for ads before he illustrated children’s books. Fast Company has a slideshow

Science, Space

Martians flee after seven minutes of terror!

Your humble blogger burned the literal midnight oil to watch Curiosity’s landing on the surface of Mars, which actually meant watching the NASA team as the landing progressed, via NASA TV. No real evidence of the “terror” on their faces, they actually seemed confident and professional.


Bucky Day

Pesco posted a reminder at bOING bOING that today’s Buckminster Fuller’s birthday – worthy of celebration and remembrance!

Culture, Science

Higgs Culture

Whether it was the Higgs Boson, or just a reference to the actual particle, the CERN discovery is already generating cultural waves and memes.

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