More on personal health records
My friend and colleague Dave deBronkart, aka “e-patient Dave,” was interviewed by the Boston Globe about his experience setting up […]
My friend and colleague Dave deBronkart, aka “e-patient Dave,” was interviewed by the Boston Globe about his experience setting up […]
Magpie is troubling: “Allow us to embed our customers’ messages (aka spam?) in your Twitter timeline and earn money. Crass
Sex, beer, wine, pot… and maggots! Top 10 bad things that are gooood for you. (Via Lane Becker!) They’re creepy,
A PHR (Personal Health Records) system like Google Health supposedly “puts you in charge of your health information,” but where
Jamais Cascio ponders education, saying first that we need more Sids than Andys, a Toy Story reference. Sid was, according
Finally, historically, the FCC is working on a national broadband plan. “Why: President Obama considers broadband to be basic infrastructure,
Geographers are researching buzz, according to this New York Times article (thanks to the phenomenal Oliver Markley for the pointer).
Researchers are learning how memory works, via PKMzeta molecules that facilitate “speed dialing” among brain cells, “like a group of
James Suroweicki talks about the Obama Administration’s tough balancing act when it comes to bank regulation. It has to fix
Encyclopedia Britannica’s having an overhaul, and crowdsourcing part of it with contributions from paid subscribers. But Britannica’s President insists they’re
From Kevin Kelly: an overview of human history and some thoughts about the relevance of language as the original social
Here’s a slide show from The Museum of Mondern Art’s exhibit, “Into the Sunset: Photography’s Image of the American West.”
My dangerously whacky friend Don Wrege was often mistaken for Ozzy Osbourne, and he found that resemblance marketable when Ozzy’s
Our friends and sometimes houseguests, Bruce Sterling and Jasmina Tesanovic, are facing an immigration hassle. Says Bruce, “We have no