Live blogging #ISOJ
I was actively live tweeting the International Sympsium on Online Journalism when I hit Twitter’s limit of 1000 posts within […]
I was actively live tweeting the International Sympsium on Online Journalism when I hit Twitter’s limit of 1000 posts within […]
After introducing Bruce I dove into Twitter and live tweeted his talk. People told me afterward that they thought it was too cheerful – see what you think from these short bursts (I was typing faster than I could think.) Comments encouraged.
I’ve been researching, thinking about, and presenting on the future of the Internet, and this week I’m preparing to propose
Hearing via Twitter that my friend Gary Chapman of the LBJ School has died. News of his death was posted
Social media-savvy medical advocate Regina Holliday pointed out a clueful post at Health is Social, a blog “about integrating social
My thinking’s focused on activity streams lately, thinking of them as lifestreams – increasingly people are putting their lives online
We’ve all zeroed in on a set of established platforms for interaction, primarily Facebook and Twitter. Icons linking to Facebook
It’s hard to scale conversations beyond some manageable number of participants. Christopher Allen, in an excellent article on Dunbar’s number
Just learned via Twitter from someone who reads my blog that text instances of the Sociable social bookmarking links were
My report on the SXSW session The Era of Crowdsourcing: General Principles, featuring Scott Belsky of Behance and Jeffrey Kalmikoff
Dave Peck’s written a blog post where he says his clients are questioning whether they want to use Twitter as
Three years ago I started thinking about how I might do consulting around my knowledge of online communities and collaboration,